Soul Song

A profound healing journey to Activate your Light Language

A 13 week Goddess led journey to meet and embody your Galactic transcript

Welcome dear one; to the start of the next version of you.

Have you heard her calling?

Your soul’s essence in the form of words, sounds or codes?

I too was once lost and desiring to find out more about my own light language and how I could access it.

If you are feeling the same then Soul Song is for you.

This Journey will change your life from stressed and unsure of your soul mission to a DEEP knowing and inner trust of your unique channel and Soul Song!

The 4 Pillars of Light Language

All of the transmissions and Activations in this program are coded to open up and activate the crystalline DNA rememberance of your inner light to bring about these external expressions


  • This is the first activation for most and it is so deeply simple and profound.

  • Hand Mudras and gestures

  • Shifting Frequency with hands


  • Vocal Activation

  • Speaking multiple languages

  • The ability to shift frequency instantly with spoken Light Language and transmit lots of information to others via frequency and sound.


  • Toning

  • Medicine songs

  • Connecting to indigenous ancestry from past life and ancestral incarnations.

  • Land Songs


  • Doodling and Drawing codes

  • Writing script of Languages

  • Drawing visual activators

I am so excited to watch you open up to your FULL Soul Self and TRANSFORM

What you need to know:
13 weeks beginning 27 September - 20 December 2024
Fridays 11-1pm NZDT (week one is NZST 12-2)

We meet via Zoom and will have a private Facebook Group/Telegram for sharing our time together.
All of the content for this course is channeled, some in advance and some in the moment.
All of the souls who join and their unique frequency will be incorporated into the Curriculum.


Week 1 - Opening Ceremony
Guided by Sophia and the Seraphim Dragons we will ascend into the Sacred Way Lineage.
Connecting heart to hear through a sharing circle and an opening Ceremony to anchor your own Light Frequency

Week 2 - Light Language attunements. Clearing and Activating the fields, calling in your guides and fine tuning psychic senses by connecting to your heart temple.
This week will be a powerful cosmic surgery with the Sirian, Andromedan and Pleadian Galactics to assist in clearing away density and fear that is preventing your Glossolalia from opening up.

Week 3 - Journey to joy and unique expression.
Understanding the absolute joy of the universe flowing through each individual.
Creating time for silliness and extra expression. Visual Activators.

Week 4 - Ancestral and Past life healing.
Removing limitations and fears of being seen as the “witch”
Allowing the prophetess to emerge with Isis and the Hathors

Week 5 - Inner Child - Healing and recoding the inner frolicking 5 year old.
Remembering the freedom and JOY (Journey of Your Youth)
Self forgiveness and holding with Mary Magdalene.

Week 6 - Cellular regeneration ~ Double Helix from Gaia to God.
Opening the portals between worlds, in and through the body. Connection of your yoni, throat, heart and first eye.

Week 7 - Connection and mentoring, time for each participant to be mentored on what’s happening in their unique experience.
Opportunity for Group play and sharing your unique expression of Light Language.
Extending Galactic invitations and ascension desires to Source and Soul.

Week 8 - Earth Integration
Community check in circle and channelled Light Language to continue opening the sub atomic structure.
Connecting to the element of earth and the flowers.

Week 9 - Invoking Winds of play and peace
Toning and connecting to the sacred sounds of I.
A practical week of MUTI ~ Movement utilising Trust and Intention.
This is movement medicine for embodied wisdom and anchoring the codes of light into Ascended Gaia and your earthly realms.

Week 10 - Water Invocation of the Ascended Masters and your Galactic Lineage
This week will be a chance for your mind to step back as you melt into a cellular stellar activation with the water sprites and
your ascended Master allies.

Week 11 - Courage of the Dragons with Fire
Breaking vows of self-judgement, shame, fear and staying small.
The time IS now. We are free to express as uniquely and encoded as we are.
The veils are lifted and we have nothing to fear. We live heart forward and we EXPRESS the will of our womb wisdom.

Week 12 - Code sharing Circle with quantum technology quest.
Connection and mentoring, time for each participant to be mentored on what’s happening in their unique experience.

Week 13 - Closing Ceremony
Embodying the teachings of your own Soul Song.
Initiation into the Sacred Way with Mother Mary, Mary  Magadalene and Yeshua with MUTI facilitated by my guide Akinbe.

Integration call on 17.1.2025

PLUS 4 x pre recorded sessions to assist you on your journey!
The burning - Fire ceremony
Trance Channeled Clearing with Sekhmet
Light Language Masterclasses

Behind the scenes:
Due to the nature of this work being multidimensional I will be creating a Sacred Grid for the people who join this container.

This is an energy vortex that will hold and assist your soul and soul guides in the process of activating, unlocking and unfurling your glossolalia.
For 2 weeks prior and 4 weeks post our gathering on zoom - my guides will be in your field adjusting and upgrading, clearing and cleaning your vessel so that you can recieve in our sessions from the most high frequency available to you.

Your role in the physical:
Listen to your body, if it asks for more sleep allow it. Shift your diet to incorporate more vegetables and fruits as this clears the channel. Be discerning with where you spend your energy and what content/television you consume.
13 weeks is not a long time in the grand time continuum, so if you are able slow down during this time and be VERY gentle with your human as this is BIG etheric work.

I cannot wait to express, snort laugh, dance and play with you in this Journey! xox

Your investment:
Full Payment $1550
Payment Plan:
$88 per week for 18 weeks

*Please contact me to discuss alternate payment plan options

Light Language Initiations are a very personal journey to each person.
There is no magical switch to turn it on.
This course in no way guarantees the timeline of your Soul Song Activation.
We must feel at peace in our self expression, body and space to allow the channeling of these high frequency codes.
If you are here and feel called I can assure you that your language will come, however there is no known timeline for this mystical process and we must adhere to self compassion and deep faith plus PATIENCE in the process.


  • For life baby! I highly recommend watching certain transmissions more than once as this deepens your connection.

  • There is no magic button to turn on LL. But I can guarantee that the curriculum has been set up to optimise your unique soul gifts and expressions. For some people the outward expression will be fairly instant. For others it may take time and require lots of patience and self compassion. Like a shy puppy at adoption, your Light may have been bound and restricted for many years and needs great love and encouragement to feel safe to be free.