Hi Wild One I’m Tahna

Psychic Channel Spiritual Mentor Light Language Teacher

I am here to help you anchor more light for Gaia, through Light Language and Channeling to connect to your soul and ACTIVATE your unique powers

I can’t wait to serve you whether its through my free offerings, workshops, Light Language classes, retreats or 1:1 mentoring.

I am SO excited that you are here!

My Mission is to help women move from people pleasing , self abandonment into Embodied Galactic Badass Witches who know their worth, their purpose and how to harness their POWER.

Over the last 12 years I have studied numerous healing modalities and ferociously pursued expanding my psychic awareness so that I could learn more about the unseen realms.
I have walked myself through complex anxiety, trauma and PTSD and through the grace of God and Galactic family I am able to enjoy and thrive in this life now.

I want to help you feel AMAZING, empowered and free in your body so that your innate powers can manifest and JOY becomes your daily experience.

Sacred Offerings

Lovely words from clients

To be on the path of the seeker, you are always up-leveling and always meeting new versions of yourself